For the fourth consecutive year, SOLUTRANS hosted the ITOY, IVOTY, IPUA and Truck Innovation Award 2022 ceremony. These industry-recognised awards recognise manufacturer excellence and reflect trends in the industrial and urban vehicle sector. The awards were presented at the SOLUTRANS Gala Dinner on 17 November 2021.


Established in 1977 by British journalist Pat Kennett, the International Truck of the Year Award is presented annually to the truck that has been introduced to the market in the previous 12 months and has had the greatest impact on road transport efficiency, based on several criteria, including:

  • Technical innovation
  • Comfort
  • Safety and security
  • Driving experience
  • Energy consumption
  • Ecological impact
  • Total cost for the owner

The prize is awarded by a jury of 31 specialized journalists, each representing an editorial office in a different country (23 European and 8 non-European).

During its 44 years of existence, 10 companies from 7 different countries have shared the awards.

Winner 2022 :


The latest of ITOY's awards, the Truck Innovation Award recognizes the truck of the future, fitting in perfectly with the energy transition that is transforming the road and urban transport sector.

To win this award, the nominated truck (which must be a drivable truck of at least 3.5 tons, not a single concept truck) must improve the ecological impact of the transport sector. To be eligible, the vehicle will have to present an alternative transmission or fuel (hybrid, electric, ...); or at least specific Hi-tech solutions in terms of connectivity (vehicle autonomy), maintenance or servicing (advanced diagnostic tools ...) at the prototype stage or in recent development.

This prize will be awarded by the same jury as the ITOY prize.

Winner 2022 :


The International Van of the Year Award was launched in 1992 as a complement to ITOY. The jury is mostly common to both awards, with a few exceptions, and represents 25 European newspapers.

The main criteria for the International Van of the Year Award is its contribution to the efficiency, safety, sustainability and environmental standards of the light trucking industry. To be eligible, the vehicle must be new, in series production by the end of the year for which it receives the award, and present a significant technological innovation compared to previous generation models.

Winners 2022 :


Every other year since 2009, the IVOTY jury also elects the International Pick-up Award. It rewards the most efficient pick-up released since the previous edition.

The decision is based on the vehicle's functionality, its efficiency and its performances.

Winner 2022 :