Find out more about our 2024 and 2023 events.

The exhibition for all packaging

Discover the cycle of conferences on the changes in packaging linked to the evolution of trade.

There are now multiple ways to access a packaged product:

  • Traditional trade with single-use or multiple-use packaging
  • Distance trade with specific packaging or in delivery packaging
  • Bulk trade with containers and packaging to be filled from more or less sophisticated devices

The dream for manufacturers is to meet the demand with an "omnichannel" packaging, a universal packaging that would meet all distribution channels.


Our next event: "No products without 3Rs" Conference at SIAL 2024

Speakers :

  • Fabrice PELTIER, Eco-designed and reusable packaging designer (FABRICE PELTIER CREATION)
  • Laurie GOUIN, General Manager (TEAM CREATIF LYON)


Webinar #1: Watch the replay in French now!

Single-use packaging, multiple-use packaging: two complementary solutions that shouldn't be pitted against each other 

Our speakers: 

  • Fabrice Peltier, Packaging Expert 
  • Guillaume Schaeffer, Exhibition Director, ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS
  • Jerôme Lerouge, Head of packaging development, NIVEA 
  • Benoit Tausky, Packaging Manager Europe, ECOTONE

Webinar #2: Watch the replay in French now! 

Products for bulk sales: An adapted packaging system to avoid waste and guarantee safety Intervenants :

  • Guillaume Schaeffer, Exhibition Director - ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS
  • Fabrice Peltier, Packaging Expert
  • Didier Onraita-Bruneau, Co-Founder of MY RETAIL BOX
  • Claudine Demay, Director of Innovation and Development at EKIBIO (subsidiary of Compagnie Léa Nature)

Webinar #3: Watch the replay in French now!

"3R" Logistic packaging invisible to the consumer but which significantly improves the environmental impact of the packaged product

Our speakers:  

  • Fabrice Peltier, Packaging expert
  • Guillaume Schaeffer, Exhibition Manager - ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS 
  • Ulrick Parfum, Purchasing and Supply Director - RAJA
  • Edouard Chabrol, CEO, CUBYN

Webinar #4: Global Packaging: what balance can be found between international standards and local consumer expectations?

As measures to promote the ecological transition accelerate, the world of packaging is in an uproar! While international organisations are stepping up regulations in favour of more sustainable and environmentally-friendly packaging, consumers are not standing still either. Consumers are becoming increasingly critical of companies, expecting them to come up with new packaging solutions to enhance their consumer experience. But how can these new international standards be reconciled with local consumer expectations?

To answer this question, ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS is organising a new webinar on 5 December! For the occasion, Guillaume Schaeffer (Director of ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS) will be joined by Soha Atallah (Vice President of the WORLD PACKAGING ORGANIZATION) and Sylvia Vitale Rotta (Founder & CEO of TEAM CREATIF GROUP).

Together, they will discuss about the new trends that are driving the world of packaging and will talk about different case studies of companies that have successfully managed to balance international standards and new consumer expectations.

  • Soha Atallah, Vice President World Packaging Organization (WPO) & WorldStar Coordinator
  • Guillaume Schaeffer, ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS Director
  • Sylvia Vitale Rotta, Founder & CEO TEAM CREATIF GROUP, EPDA (European Brand and Packaging Design Association) President

Webinar #5: Should we look further?

At the same time, MEPs are still discussing the PPWR, a regulation which, it seems, will not call into question the upward ambitions that individual states may already have set themselves. In a context that may still seem uncertain for manufacturers, should we slow down and wait, when the main guidelines now seem unchanging? Or should we set our sights higher than the targets we already know about, accelerating without delay to be ready for any eventuality and get ahead of the game?

During this webinar, Guillaume Schaeffer (Director of ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS) & Fabrice Peltier (Eco-designed and reusable packaging designer), accompanied by Valentin Fournel (Eco-design & Reusability Director, CITEO) and Olivier Larose (Sustainable Development Director, COCA-COLA FRANCE) discussed the major challenges brought about by these regulatory changes.

Webinar #6 - Arbitrating the paradoxes of eco-design

Fleury Michon's wooden tub, Babybel's paper bag, Boursin's cardboard jar... these are three examples that demonstrate that eco-design of packaging cannot improve all environmental impacts at once.

Stéphane Merlet, Packaging and Packing Engineer at Fleury Michon, and Alexandre Vernier, Packaging Innovation and CSR Manager at Bel, share the paradoxes they face through three emblematic case studies. What are their convictions and those of their companies when it comes to packaging? Why and how did they arrive at this solution, with its strengths and weaknesses? How do they justify their choices?

Through this webinar, ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS invites you to understand the approach taken by two French flagships in the food industry as they embark on their packaging transition.

Practices, uses and regulations... State of play of packaging in retail

To discuss this topic, the Paris Retail Week show welcomed Fabrice PELTIER, packaging eco-design expert-consultant, Brice KAPELUSZ, Chief Operating Officer of RAJA FRANCE and Bertrand SWIDERSKI, CSR Director of CARREFOUR, to the "Rencontres ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS". Together, they take stock of packaging usage and discuss the new practices favored by physical and online retailers.

From design, to logistics, to marketing... What is the right strategy for "sensible and reasonable" packaging?

Traditional retail packaging is no longer adapted to the changing distribution patterns of e-commerce and the challenges of ecological transition. Design, production, distribution, use... it's the whole chain that needs to be thought out or rethought to respond to this new paradigm of "reasoned and reasonable" packaging.

  • How can we design a product without having to multiply the layers of packaging?
  • How can sustainable and ecological practices be integrated into the supply chain?
  • How can you design a product without multiplying the layers of packaging?
  • How can we raise awareness of new practices and uses among our teams and consumers?

Meet the inventors of tomorrow's packaging: Packaging in the hour of forecasting 

Single-use, reusable, recyclable and recycled, bulk, but also ecological, practical, connected and/or intelligent... today's packaging has to tick many boxes to meet the expectations of players and consumers alike!

During our benchmark sessions, discover which packaging types/modes and innovations will enable you to meet the ecological challenges of today and tomorrow.