An additional hall entirely dedicated to the actors of innovation and transformation of the sector.

SOLUTRANS has invested in a new exhibition hall to meet the growing demand from exhibitors

Like all the major industries in France, the VI industry is facing major challenges: energy transition, artificial intelligence, cyber security, recycling, etc. These are sectoral issues, but they are also cross-cutting and characterized by a great diversity of players and professions. To meet these challenges, SOLUTRANS brought together in November all these players in a single hall and supported the implementation of new solutions to optimize the professional activity of the sector and especially of carriers.

Hall 1 at Eurexpo was dedicated to innovation and new players in the sector, providing value-added services for the transport sector of tomorrow.

Logically named SOLUTRANS 4.0, it was the expression of the transformation of the sector: energy suppliers and infrastructure professionals found their place there to inform on the potential energies and advise carriers in their choice of vehicles.

Fuel management specialists (refuelling, equipment) will be exhibiting their solutions for reducing consumption. Connectivity, traceability..., IT companies and freight exchanges will present their digital solutions for fleet operation and management. Not forgetting startups, software publishers and information systems.

There are more than 70 partners dedicated to innovation registered. They were at your disposal to present their solutions and exchange with you!

With the presence of exhibitors :
With the presence of the organisations :

FFC/PFA, committed to helping carriers with their vehicle purchases

  • CO2 objectives
  • Reduction of consumption
  • Alternative energies
  • FEZ

The constraints imposed on the sector by the European Commission, the government and the cities have been the subject of a vast study conducted by the FFC for several months.

The objective? To guide transporters in the purchase of vehicles that correspond to their needs and comply with the vision of the public authorities.

The results of the VIsion'AIR study were presented in a "Roadbook" on the FFC stand at SOLUTRANS 2021.